Throughout the semester I have been exposed different policies, views, and laws/acts made that have affected people worldwide, and more specifically impacted the way older adults live their day-to-day lives. The different viewpoints/lenses like neo-liberalism, marxism, feminism, socialism, neo-conservatism, and social democracy, all have different standpoints on society and what they believe most important/valuable. They affect how individuals within a community think and can shift their values, beliefs, and their social norms. In relation to older adults, these lenses have swayed the perception of older adults within their communities, and it either becomes easier or more difficult for them to obtain certain aspects of their lives. For example, old age pensions, old age home security, retirement and work plans, and education. These are just a couple hardships that older adults can face on a regular basis.
It was also interesting to learn about how much there is that affects older adults to frequently, and most of society doesn't even notice. Mainly around the fact of discrimination, which is a huge part of why older adults struggle so much within the community. They face discrimination in the workplace, in relations to health care, housing, and financial needs. You would think that society would want to help and support the older adults after their contribution to the community for so many years. It only makes sense that that would be the case, but that would be in a perfect world. In today's society, people want what's best for them, and they will do what they need to in order to achieve the greatest they can. And at the end of the day, it is particular minority groups like older adults who get the short end of the stick. I think it's important to learn these discriminatory actions at an early age so we can become aware of them now, in order to do something about it in the future.
I have taken a lot away from what this course has taught me, and all the research along the way for my particular group. It was also interesting to read other blogs and their posts, and how these types of lenses affected their particular group. I believe this has been very informative for me, and will be useful as fall back information in my future towards my career option. I believe that more people need to become aware of the hardships faced by many minority groups in Canada so we are able to build a stronger and more wiser community around us.
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