Friday, 30 November 2012

Elderly Abuse

Elder Abuse refers to the violence, mistreatment or neglect that older adults living in either private residences or institutions may experience at the hands of their spouses, children, other family members, caregivers, service providers or other individuals in situations of power or trust. Elder Abuse also includes older adults abused by non-family members who are not in a position of power or trust and self-neglect. There are many different forms of elder abuse including neglect (self or by others), physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, economic / financial, and institutional abuse. The stress associated with abuse can lead to physical and mental health problems such as stroke, anxiety, depression, heart attack, etc. (“Elder Abuse - Royal Canadian Mounted Police,” n.d.).

Research by academics, Statistics Canada and seniors' advocates suggests that almost one of every 10 older Canadians experiences some form of abuse. However, much of it goes un-reported. Statistics Canada said in 2009 that about seven in ten crimes against older Canadians are not reported to police, mainly because the victims didn't think they needed help (“Elder Abuse: Canada's Federal Government To Introduce Stiffer Sentences,” n.d.).

The liberal ideology promotes equality and equal opportunities for all people living in society. Many older adults are being taking advantage of due to their assumed inability to defend themselves and the high level of dependency they have on others. Everyone in society is equal, and no one should feel controlled or threatened by another individual. The value of human life cannot be measured by age; we all are entitled to freedom from neglect and abuse. No individual holds the power to take away ones power to exercise their rights. Older adults are belittled into thinking that they are no longer of use to society, therefore their rights and equal opportunities are being robbed from them. The majority of older adults do not seek assistance from the law when necessary because they feel like their situations are not worthy of attention. The liberal ideology would promote older adults to stand up for their rights and get help when feeling neglected or abused.

It is very disturbing hearing about the amount of elders that are abused by not only strangers but by their own family members. My grandmother passed away the end of last summer after having extreme lungs problems, which affected her ability to breathe immensely. On my grandma‘s last months, she required assistance everyday from family, friends, service workers, and health care professionals in order for her to be constantly looked after and made comfortable. My grandma wouldn't have been able to live her life as long as she did without the help from so many people. It breaks my heart to think that many older adults are experiencing severe health problems as my grandma did, and  are not  receiving the care they need and also being taken advantage of due to the inabilities that come along with their health problems. I think elder abuse is not seen as a huge issue in society today because there so many other issues occurring amongst young adults. This is wrong; elders deserve the same support and attention concerning their social issues as the youth age group. Something must be done to reach out to the older adults and remind them that their lives are valued and important to everyone. No one should ever feel like being abused is not an issue no matter what the case may be. It is very hard to imagine that abuse is a reality to many older adults. Something must be done about this issue in the future to ensure that older adults feel safe and receive the proper care they need.



Elder Abuse: Canada's Federal Government To Introduce Stiffer Sentences. (n.d.). Huffington    Post Canada - Canadian News Stories, Breaking News, Opinion. Retrieved from

Elder Abuse - Royal Canadian Mounted Police. (n.d.). Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Welcome | Gendarmerie royale du Canada - Bienvenue. Retrieved from

Straka, S. (2012). Liberal Ideology. SWRK1006 Slides Oct 12 Ideologies.


  1. Thank you Lindsay for addressing this issue.
    I am disheartened by the lack of empathy for older adults. I often hear about scams targeted at older adults and it breaks my heart. With the changes in technology it is easier to scam, manipulate, and take advantage of people who may not understand the complexities of the crime. I believe education and awareness initiatives are key in dealing with some of these issues.

    Kayla T

  2. Hello Lindsay,
    I think that the topic that you have chosen is intense. I agree with you that it is a serious issue, yet it is not been taken care of or paid attention to. I like how you defined what an abuse is and how you provided some examples. That made me reconsider the way I speak and interact with older adults. I respect you for sharing a personal experience with us. Thank you.

    I believe that one of the other reasons why older adults face abuse is because the Marjory of people is not aware of how older adults need to be treated like. As you have mentioned, they become emotional and sensitive about simple things the older they get. I just believe that some programs, workshops or sessions should be held to teach people how to connect with elderly and become a positive aspect in their lives.

