Thursday, 1 November 2012

The Elderly- An Unappreciated Generation

 Ageism, a prejudicial standpoint that has swept the younger sectors of our population, can be defined as negative discrimination or judgments held towards an individual based on their age. Today's society has began to adopt the ideology that the elderly have become a liability. The funding needed to provide health care, pensions, and housing have all become rising issues regarding the elderly. Instead of older adults being valued for the cherished knowledge they have to offer, they are being belittled into thinking that they have nothing to contribute to society.

"We live in a youth-obsessed society that seems to have lost the innate respect for age that might have been expected in the Thirties and Forties." (Mooney, 2011) Social activist Bel Mooney believes that the neglect and disregard that the elderly today face is a social issue that desperately needs to be addressed. Society's negative perspective in which the elderly are seen in has began to take a toll on the way they perceive themselves. Referring Charles Cooley's theory of the Looking Glass Self, as humans we are prone to adopt the persona that society assumes of us. The younger population of our civilization has belittled its elders to a point where they truly believe that they themselves are serviceable.

From a neoconservative perspective, I would say that society is being hypocritical. They believe themselves and have convinced the elderly that they are of no use in our communities, causing them to feel useless, empty and lonely. For the majority of older people, this lead them to give up on their independence. The neoconservative ideology holds a negative standpoint towards society having a dependence on the government. By convincing the elderly that they are no longer able to contribute, we are forcing them to use the government services and funding as a crutch.

"Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength"(Friedan, 19940). I feel as though if society were to have a different social view on the elderly, there would be a decrease in demand for elderly services. All human beings have equal value, and should therefore be given equal respect. I believe that if the negative assumptions of the elderly that society holds were diminished, than the only difference between the youth and the elder would be age itself. In my opinion, it should be made a priority that the elderly are reminded of their infinite significance to our society.


Reference List

Mooney, B. (2011, October 1). Too often, the elderly are seen as a burden. What madness. In our youth-obsessed age we need them more than ever | Mail Online. Home | Mail Online. Retrieved October 20, 2012, from

Betty Friedan. (n.d.). Wikiquote. Retrieved November 1, 2012, from


  1. Jenna, I think it was very important that you pointed out that older adults have a such large influence on how our society operates today. Looking at the city of Sault. Ste. Marie, if it wasn't for the older adults there wouldn't be as much work available for the youth age. Many of the restaurants, construction companies, and beauty stores (to name a few), were established by older adults. Without the elderly, many of the jobs associated with their businesses wouldn't exist. I think as younger adults in society, we should be showing a great deal of respect to the older adults, and be thankful for that opportunities they have created for us.


  2. Much of what you say is true. We are a youth dominated society. As a society, there seems to be a 'shame' that follows aging. People are obsessed with trying to maintain a youthful appearance: skin rejuvenation to diminish the appearance of wrinkles, hair dye that hides the grey, hair growth formula!! Much like the younger generation today, there is a lot of emphasis placed on appearance. Then of course there is the ability of older adults that constantly comes into question. There is this idea that older adults cannot perform at the same level of youth, 'cannot keep up' so to speak. We know this isn't true!! Much like any stereotype, prejudice, or act of discrimination, there is very little evidence to support the claims that are made...

    Kayla T.
